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AGILO RoboCuppers 2003: Computational Priciples and Research Directions
Michael Beetz, Suat Gedikli, Robert Hanek, Thorsten Schmitt, and Freek Stulp. AGILO RoboCuppers 2003: Computational Priciples and Research Directions. In RoboCup International Symposium 2003, July 2003.
This paper gives an overview about the approaches chosen by the middle size robot soccer team of the Munich University of Technology, the AGILO RoboCuppers. First a brief sytem overview will be given. Then the computational priciples are described. Finally the directions for further research are outlined.
  title                    = {{AGILO} RoboCuppers 2003: Computational Priciples and Research Directions},
  author                   = {Michael Beetz and Suat Gedikli and Robert Hanek and Thorsten Schmitt and Freek Stulp},
  booktitle                = {RoboCup International Symposium 2003},
  year                     = {2003},
  month                    = {July},
  series                   = {Padova},
  abstract                 = {This paper gives an overview about the approaches chosen by the middle size robot soccer team of the Munich University of Technology, the AGILO RoboCuppers. First a brief sytem overview will be given. Then the computational priciples are described. Finally the directions for further research are outlined.},
  bib2html_pubtype         = {Team Description Paper},
  bib2html_rescat          = {RoboCup},
  file                     = {ROBOCUP-SYMP-03-AGILO-TDP-Beetz-etal.pdf:http\://}

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