@COMMENT This file was generated by bib2html.pl version 0.94 @COMMENT written by Patrick Riley @COMMENT This file came from Freek Stulp's publication pages at @COMMENT http://www-clmc.usc.edu/~stulp/publications @InProceedings{stulp05optimizeda, title = {Optimized Execution of Action Chains through Subgoal Refinement}, author = {Freek Stulp and Michael Beetz}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ICAPS Workshop on Plan Execution: A Reality Check}, year = {2005}, note = {Non-archival.}, abstract = {In this paper we propose a novel computation model for the execution of abstract action chains. In this computation model a robot first learns situation-specific performance models of abstract actions. It then uses these models to automatically specialize the abstract actions for their execution in a given action chain. This specialization results in refined chains that are optimized for performance. As a side effect this behavior optimization also appears to produce action chains with seamless transitions between actions.}, bib2html_pubtype = {Refereed Workshop Paper}, bib2html_rescat = {Optimizing the Execution of Symbolic Robot Plans}, file = {ICAPS-WS-2005-Stulp-Beetz.pdf:http\://www9.in.tum.de/publications/2005/ICAPS-WS-2005-Stulp-Beetz.pdf:PDF}, url = {http://ic.arc.nasa.gov/people/sailesh/icaps2005wksp/} }